Info and pictures on the 2023 edition can be found here.
Info and pictures on the 2020 edition can be found here, here and here.
A throwback to the final presentation can be found here.
From January 9 until February 10, 2023, P.A.R.T.S. initiated an exchange project between a group of African dancers-choreographers and the PARTS STUDIOS participants at Ecole des Sables, the International Centre for Traditional & Contemporary Dances of Africa in Toubab Dialaw, Senegal.
Ecole des Sables was founded by dancer and choreographer Germaine Acogny, and is since 2021 under the artistic direction of Alesandra Seutin and Wesley Ruzibiza.
This exchange program was organised for the 4th time since 2013.
Its goal is to offer the multinational group of STUDIOS students (Master program) the possibility to collaborate closely with a group of young dancers-choreographers from Senegal and the African continent. The program seeks to provide an opportunity for the participants to gain a more informed perspective on African traditional and contemporary dance, and to expand their understanding of different dance cultures through workshops, seminars and collaborations.
The program consists of classes ranging from traditional to contemporary African dances and western approaches, workshops with African choreographers and seminars on contemporary African thinking and arts. There will also be space for the participants to develop collaboration projects with each other. Additionally, a few excursions to Dakar and other places in Senegal will be organised.
The open call is closed.
More info on the Open Call for participants for this exchange program can be found here >>