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Alesandra Seutin ZW/BE/UK

Alesandra Seutin is an award-winning multidisciplinary performance artist and creator, whose focus is exploring movement as a foundation for theatre, media and site-specific works. An inspirational leader with a multifaceted career spanning two decades, she has reached global audiences through her work as an artistic director, choreographer, performer, mentor, teacher, movement director, dramaturg and writer for performance and music.

Seutin works internationally, mainly dividing her time between Senegal, Belgium and the UK, where she artistically and creatively leads two international touring dance performance companies, with one being her own founded, Alesandra Seutin | Vocab Dance.Alesandra Seutin |
Vocab Dance’s work has toured across the UK, Europe and internationally and as a testament to Seutin’s reputation amongst the performing arts community, she has received over 20 choreographic commissions.
Still herself performing, Seutin has recently returned to the stage as performer, choreographer and movement director for Dear Winnie, an award-winning, multi-disciplinary performance work about the life of Winnie Mandela.

Alongside her work with Vocab Dance, Seutin was announced as the Co-Artistic Director of the famed École des Sables in Senegal, alongside fellow alumni Wesley Ruzibiza in 2020. Having trained at the institution herself under Germaine Acogny, Seutin is a worldwide ambassador and teacher of the Acogny technique. In collaboration, they both direct the development of the internationally renowned training programme and professional performance company, Company Jant-Bi Germaine Acogny.

Seutin is also currently the Artistic Director of the UK’s National Youth Dance Company, whose 2021 production Speak Volumes was received with great acclaim by the media.

In addition to her work on and off stage in performance and writing, Alesandra Seutin spends much of her time mentoring and developing the careers of future generations of makers and creatives.