Since 2022-2023 PARTS has joined the European Erasmus+ network which supports pedagogical exchange between partner institutions in Europe and outside.
PARTS has applied for and committed itself to the Erasmus+ charter (ECHE), you can find it here.
The Erasmus Policy Statement can be found here.
PARTS only accepts incoming guest students in the BA program Training.
Due to the specificity of the three-year cycle in PARTS (where a new group only starts every third year), the periods in which PARTS can host incoming students are limited.
For the cycle 2025-2028, the periods will be confirmed in Spring 2025.
There will certainly no opportunity for incoming exchange students in September - December 2025.
The number of places is limited to 2 per period.
The minimum duration is two months, the maximum duration is one full semester. When the exchange is shorter than a semester, the exact dates should be negotiated carefully so that the period overlaps neatly with the structure of the educational activities.
In order to qualify an Erasmus+ exchange, a student has to fulfill the following criteria and procedure:
- they must be registered as a student in their home institution, in a study year that is at equal to or higher than the study year that is happening in PARTS in the desired period (see above).
- the home institution must have a bilateral agreement with PARTS. If your home institution doesn’t have such a bilateral agreement yet, then ask the Erasmus+ coordinator of your school to contact the Erasmus+ coordinator of PARTS, at least 6 weeks before the application deadline.
- the home institution nominates you to PARTS through filling in this form>>
The candidate submits an application dossier containing the following elements:
1. a motivation letter
2. a cv
3. a text of 1200 words in English, analysing a dance performance, which should include associating aspects of the performance to ideas and concepts of a theoretical text;
4. a video (link to a file on youtube or vimeo) of max. 30' including:
- ballet: 2 or 3 exercises at the barre, 1 exercise in the center, 1 diagonal traveling, 1 jump sequence
- contemporary: 2 excerpts of warm-up process, a traveling, excerpt of phrase exercises
- 5-minute excerpt of a sequence of your own movement or a choreography made by someone else
The deadlines are posted above.
Applications should be sent to Steven De Belder, Erasmus+ coordinator (
The applications will be assessed by the tutors within one month after the deadline.
All courses in PARTS happen in English. Candidates must master at least level B2 on the CEFR scale, and may be asked to send a proof of their language skills.

The program
You can download the study guide for the cycle 2022-2025 here.
The concrete planning of each year varies. If you want more details on which courses will happen in the period you will apply for and how much ECTS they represent, please contact the Erasmus+ coordinator.
Academic system
All courses have ECTS credits, and each years total of 60 ECTS is offered. However, they are not equally divided over both semesters, so if you need a more precise estimation of the number of credits for your desired period before you apply, contact the Erasmus+ coordinator.
Evaluation system
The evaluation system is based on permanent feedback and written reports by the teachers, which are translated to a grade on the scale negative-problematic-sufficient-good-very good-excellent.
Check the study guide for more information on the evaluation system.
Visa and residence permit
See Starting kit.
PARTS does not have its own accommodation for regular or guest students. Information on how to find a place to stay can be found in the Starting kit.
PARTS only accepts guest students through the Erasmus+ scheme, and cannot offer any financial support to incoming students. Please check with your home institution.
Incoming Eramsus+ do not have to pay or registration fee tuition at PARTS, but they have to pay for the daily lunch and for participation in outside activities (e.g. watching performances) which are part of the curriculum.
Erasmus+ Learning Agreement
Please check your home institution for the model that they are using.
For questions regarding the program, contact Steven De Belder (
For questions regarding housing, visa and residence, contact Anouk Severin (