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"We are here to listen to you in all confidentiality. This means that you can stay anonymous and the content will not be shared with third parties (unless wished). Our intention is to listen without judgment. To look together into what your needs are and look for possible ways to meet them.” - Nelle & Aike, confidential advisors for the students

In line with the Code of Conduct, the confidential advisors are there to support the students in preventing and dealing with psycho-social risks at PARTS. This includes the risk of conflicts, discrimination, bullying, violence, harassment, sexual harassment at school, among others. The confidential advisor can be contacted for individual cases of unwanted behaviour as well as for unwanted behaviour of a collective nature.

If you are experiencing one of the challenges above or observe a situation in school that you don't feel comfortable with, you can contact the confidential advisors, Nelle Hens or Aike Roodenburg, for an appointment by mail:

Learn more about Nelle Hens & Aike Roodenburg.

Nelle Hens

Nelle Hens has been a confidential advisor for the students at P.A.R.T.S since 2020. In parallel, she’s a process facilitator and offers individual coaching within the performing arts sector. Her expertise is supported by her experience within the Performing Arts, the Thomas Gordon Communication training on personal effectiveness (Carolien Jongbloed 2016), Confidential Advisor training (Yolan De Meyer, IDEWE, Performing Arts 2019) and annual supervisions.

Nelle graduated in dance at the Conservatory in Antwerp in 2006 and Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD) in 2011. She worked with Trisha Brown, Joris Blanckaert, Jan Fabre and Jan Martens, Tom Struyf among others. In 2018 she initiated ONT MOET, an artistic collective that co-creates artistic productions (dance) and alternative team-building activities. Nelle is also a Yoga practitioner and certified Vijñāna Yoga teacher. Her personal yoga practice supports her to move from within and act more skillfully into the world.

More about Nelle

Aike Roodenburg

Aike Rodenburg has been a confidential advisor for the students at P.A.R.T.S since 2023. Since 2018, Aike has been actively involved in the workings of Engagement Arts and it is in this capacity that she trained as a confidential advisor at Social Fund for the Performing Arts / IDEWE (2020). Since 2020, she actively supports individuals and organizations as confidential advisor or trust person.

After studying for Music Teacher (Utrecht Conservatory, The Netherlands) and working for several years as a music teacher and conductor, Aike moved to Ghent to study Art Science. After her studies she worked for the City of Ghent, KASK & Conservatory, and Kunsthal Gent, where she is currently working as part of the coordination team. Being partly self-employed, she acts as voice coach, conductor, and confidant.

More about Aike