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Throwback to the 3rd X-week at PARTS with Platform-K

An intensive one-week workshop of artistic practice for the first year Training students
During an X-Week, the normal operation modus of the school is suspended. Invited artists can work a whole week with the students, in or outside school. We ask the artists to unveil their way of approaching art towards the students. For April's artistic practice, PARTS invited partner organizations Labolobo, Platform K and the artist Mario Barrantes Espinoza.

In the spotlight: the workshop with Platform-K, an inclusive dance company based in Ghent with a Brussels’ workspace at P.A.R.T.S.

For over ten years, Platform-K has been striving to open up the dance world for bodies that traditionally are not represented on stage. They do this through a dance education tailored to people with a disability, as well as through the production of dance performances that are collaborations between dancers with and without a disability.

During X-week, the bachelor students got involved in the work of Platform-K, interacting with their dancers from Ghent and working around methods for inclusion & dance research.

It was a week of exploring, research and surprises“ (Platform-K).

I find this week very inspiring. I feel a loving, caring, exploring, curious, kind group of people dancing together and it gives me freedom to be and to dance. To dance with dancers from Platform K and PARTS is widening my perspective on dance, it is raising questions and awareness on aspects of dance, and what the dancing body is. It is doing so in a way where I feel challenged physically in my dancing and being, as well as mentally in how I behave, think and follow certain patterns of social norms” (PARTS Training student).

Choreographers and dance teachers from the Platform-K family (Femke Gyselinck, Benjamin Vandewalle, Fanny Vandesande) talked about their practice, Margot Declercq shared her research on safe spaces and inclusion and a huge Open Friday was organized with Natasa Frantzi.

Inhouse photographer Tine Declerck captured the magic.

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