
Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek / when ashes spiral

©Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek
©Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek


When ashes spiral, the human self is decentered into a transformative realm - a liminal environment where fluid beings rise, linger, and collapse. This cycle of transformation travels through states of detachment in mind and body. We engage in an animistic outlook in an attempt to free the fixed self to become multiple and changing. Rigid social constructions become watery and energies flow through different forms. How can we seep through the containers of our skin? When seeing the animate and the inanimate as a spectrum, what drifts in between? We celebrate impermanent natures and fleeting identities.

Concept & direction: Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek
Performance & creation: Rania Barhoumi, Osamu Shikichi, Jair Jetzehu Montes Rangel, Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek
Scenography & costume: Anthea Demoen
Sound design: Jair Montes
Textual script: Rania Barhoumi
Mentor: Sabrina Seifried, Bojana Cvejić
