
Biography Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek

Im Kanokporn Vorapharuek grew up in central Thailand. She pursued her undergraduate study in Dance at California Institute of the Arts and graduated in 2019. From 2019 to 2022 she worked with the choreographer/director Jitti Chompee in his company 18 Monkeys Dance Theatre based in Bangkok, Thailand. She performed in an iteration of Party Animal by Chompee at Rainforest Fringe Festival in Kuching, Malaysia, and in the premiere of his creation School of Ganesh in Bangkok. She took part in the research project Khon : The Human Body : Embodiment, which actively engages in bridging the Khon traditional dance-theatre to contemporary society in Thailand. She also worked in the team of Unfolding Kafka Festival, a biennial contemporary arts festival in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

She joined the P.A.R.T.S. STUDIOS program in 2022. Deriving from her animistic background, she is interested in non-anthropocentric ways of sensing through the body and altered states of mind. Her current work involves garments and fabrics as a fluid and immersive medium.