1. What are the entry criteria?
- Candidates must have a Bachelor diploma in Dance or Choreography, or another Bachelor diploma combined with several years of intensive professional dance training.
- Only candidates who are selected in the pre-selection by dossier can participate in the final audition.
- Only candidates who have been selected during the final audition can become a student.
- STUDIOS is a fulltime residential programme in Brussels, working with a cycle of two years. Part-time study, a combination of STUDIOS with other study programs or extended work in the professional field are not possible.
- Students in the STUDIOS program need to have a very good level in English (C1 or higher in CEFT scales). This is essential for being an active participant in the program and fulfill the academic assignments.
2. What are the age criteria?
- The minimum age of entry for P.A.R.T.S. STUDIOS is 21, the maximum age is 27 (both ages on Dec 31, 2022).
- If you are younger than the age limit, you can participate in the audition, but only if you are sure you will have the necessary Bachelor diploma before September 1, 2022.
- If you are older than the age limit, you have a smaller chance of acceptance. P.A.R.T.S. will only occasionally make an exception to this rule.
3. What are the selection criteria?
STUDIOS is aimed at young dance-makers and choreographers want to devote more time and space to develop a choreographic practice. The STUDIOS program does not have a pre-defined notion of choreographic authorship, and it welcomes both individual authors-choreographers and performers who want to develop their creation skills in processes that are collaborative or driven by an author.
PARTS aims for candidates with a strong dance and performance skills and a creative practice that is rooted in studio work, which is the approach the school is best equipped to nourish and support. This does not exclude other profiles and approaches.
4. How many students does STUDIOS take in?
There is place for 12 participants, including students who have finished the BA Training Cycle of PARTS, who will also participate in the audition process.
5. How much does it cost to study at P.A.R.T.S.?
Students pay a single registration fee and an annual tuition fee.
- The registration fee is € 4.500. This amount is due only once, irrespective of the number of years the student spends at PARTS. It has to be paid before the start of the courses.
- The tuition fee for STUDIOS is € 2.500 per year.
In 2022-23, students will pay an extra 1.000€ to contribute to the expenses of the overseas activities in Senegal.
6. Does P.A.R.T.S. provide scholarships?
P.A.R.T.S. can provide a limited number of scholarships to those students who do not have enough financial resources and have not succeeded in getting scholarships from other funding bodies. P.A.R.T.S. depends on external sources for scholarships, so nothing can be guaranteed. P.A.R.T.S. will only give scholarships to students who can prove they have undertaken serious attempts to obtain a scholarship elsewhere.
Start looking for grants awarded by your local authorities (municipal, regional, national) or private foundations, as soon as you have sent in your audition dossier. In many cases the application deadlines will have expired before you get the final confirmation that you are accepted in P.A.R.T.S.
If you need documents from us, contact our P.A.R.T.S. staff member Ingrid Maes at
7. Can I visit the school?
You can only visit the school during the public performances (register for the newsletter to be updated on when they happen).
8. Can you send me a brochure or prospectus?
Please read this website where you can find the necessary information. If you still have further questions about the programme, contact Steven De Belder ( For questions about the audition process, contact Ingrid Maes at
9. How important is it to master English?
It is essential that students have a very good knowledge of English when starting the course. The level must be C1 or higher (CEFR scales). You can test your level at the following place: listening test and grammar test. Both tests take about 10 minutes.
During the final audition, there will be a formal English test. If you do not reach the required level at this test, your chances of being accepted as a student are much smaller.

10. When is the deadline for sending in the dossier?
You have to send the dossier before April 10, 2022, by email to Steven De Belder,
11. What elements does the dossier have to contain?
- Motivation letter- CV- 2 reference letters
-A weblink to max. 10’ of video material of work that you have created or co-created on youtube or vimeo
- A text of max. 1 page to introduce and contextualise the video material
12. Should the reference letters be sent directly to the school by the referent?
This is not necessary, reference letters can be included in the dossier sent by the candidate.The referent can send the reference letter directly to Steven De Belder (
13. Does the video have to present one (excerpt of a piece), or rather a compilation?
You can choose whatever you think best represents your work. However, if you choose to present several excerpts, make sure the viewer can see enough of each work you present.
14. Should the video include works where I am performing myself?
This is not necessary but it is advised to include it if available. When including videos that feature you as performer among other performers, please include information on how you can be recognised in the contextual note.
15. Can I also include links to full registrations of my work?
The dossier must include one link to a 10-minute video. Next to this, you can include more links, but there is no guarantee that they will be viewed by the selection committee.
16. Do I receive confirmation after registration?
After you send in your application dossier you will receive an email confirming receipt.
17. When do I know if I am selected for the final audition?
The results of the selection will be communicated before May 3, 2022.
Candidates who have been selected for the final audition will receive a confirmation letter, which they can also use to apply for a visa or scholarship.
18. Is there a possibility for feedback when I’m not selected to participate in the audition?
No. A rejection of your application will not be motivated.
19. Can I participate in a Training Cycle pre-selection in order to be selected for the final audition for STUDIOS?
This is not possible. It can happen that a selection responsible in a Training pre-selection suggests a candidate to participate to the STUDIOS audition because they think their profile matches better that of STUDIOS. If the candidate is effectively interested in participating in the STUDIOS audition, they will have to send in an application dossier. Timing will be no problem, because the STUDIOS audition process only starts after the Training cycle audition process is finished.
20. Who can participate in the final audition?
Only the people whose application dossier has been selected can participate in the final audition.
21. How many people can participate in the final audition?
Between 30 and 40.
22. How much does my participation in the final audition cost?
Participation in the final audition costs 50€, to be paid after receiving the invitation for the final audition.
23. Can P.A.R.T.S. financially support my coming to the final audition?
No, we do not cover any expenses for the auditions. We can give you a list of cheap accommodation in Brussels.
24. How long does the final audition last?
The final auditions take place July 11-16, 2022 in Brussels. In case you are selected, you should be available during these six days.
25. What will happen during the final audition?
The final audition will consist of the following elements:
- a warm-up class and a longer dance and improvisation class;
- a 10’ performative presentation called ‘walk+talk’, in which the candidate presents their work and their research interests;
- a 20’ individual talk with the jury;
- a task to create a 3’ solo. The concrete parameters for the task will be given on the first day of the audition, and during the audition period there will be studio space to create the work.
- the task to give a short feedback on the solo presented by another candidate;
- a group talk, guided by a moderator and observed by the jury;
- for non-native speakers: an English test.
- writing a 2-page essay. This happens before the audition itself, details about the topic will be sent to the candidates one week beforehand.
26. What do I need to bring to the final audition?
- Bring your own lunch and anything you need for a regular day in the studio.
27. Is there a dress code for the auditions?
For dance classes the candidate must wear clothing that permits correct observation by the teacher.
28. When do I know if I’m selected to study at P.A.R.T.S.?
The final selection will be made one week after the end of the final audition in Brussels. We will inform you by e-mail.
29. When does the school year start?
The STUDIOS program will start on September 26, 2022.
The next cycle of STUDIOS will start in September 2025, exact dates to be confirmed.
30. Is there a possibility of feedback when I’m not selected in the final audition?
Yes. All candidates who are interested get individual feedback by one of the coordinators organized over the phone or Zoom until max. 1 month after the audition process.