Since 2022-2023 PARTS has joined the European Erasmus+ network which supports pedagogical exchange between partner institutions in Europe and outside.
PARTS has applied for and committed itself to the Erasmus+ charter (ECHE), you can find it here. The Erasmus Policy Statement can be found here.
Within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, there are three possibilities to get a learning experience abroad: a study period at another school, an internship in the professional context during your studies and an internship in the professional context in the year after graduation.
1/ Study period in another school
When is it possible?
Only in the 3rd year of the BA Training, during the full first semester and in the second semester during the periods that do not overlap with the final creation and the Student Festival.
The duration is variable: to qualify for an Erasmus+ scholarship the study visit has to be at least 2 months, and maximum one semester.
Shorter study visits with a scholarship are possible under certain conditions, they will need an additional virtual learning plan.
Where can we go?
PARTS currently has inter-institutional agreements with Uniarts Stockholm (SE), KHIO Oslo(NO), Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen (DE) and the Academy for Theater and Dance Amsterdam (NL). New partnerships are possible, students can make proposals to the school. The school should be in a Partner country of Erasmus+ (= all 27 member states of the European Union plus North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Norway). Schools in countries outside this list are not excluded, but only a small part of the budget can be used to go outside the partner countries.
It is not forbidden to go to an institution in the country you are originally from.
What is the procedure?
1/ Check which programme you are interested in and what they set as conditions for entry (language requirements, admission procedure and deadlines). If this school does not have an inter-institutional agreement with PARTS yet, get in touch with the Erasmus+ coordinator at PARTS.
2/ When you apply at the school of your choice, you also have to ask PARTS to nominate you, so the receiving school knows you are supported by PARTS. You do this via the Erasmus coordinator.
3/ You are responsible for contacting the receiving school and gathering all the necessary information to make the application and eventually the study trip. PARTS can help if needed.
4/ If the receiving school accepts your application, a Learning Agreement detailing the courses that you will take in that school will be made, as well as a Grant Agreement detailing the Erasmus+ scholarship. If not in place yet, also an Inter-Institutional Agreement between both institutions will be made. PARTS takes the lead in this part of the process.
Do I have to pay tuition fees at PARTS or at the receiving school?
You pay the annual tuition fee at PARTS for the whole year. The school that hosts you will not charge tuition, but they might charge other fees - check this when you make your application!
Do I have to catch up on courses that are happening in PARTS while I’m away on a study visit?
The credits you earn during your stay in the other school replace the credits you would have earned while being in PARTS in the same period. However, it is possible that for certain tasks or courses that run the whole year (e.g. writing), you will need to catch up certain things in order to be able to make the final task.
How much is an Erasmus+ scholarship?
This depends on where you go and for how long. In 2024, if you go to a country in Central or northern Europe you will receive 419€ per month, if you go to Southern Europe you receive 369€ per month, if you go to Eastern Europe you receive 319€ per month (numbers from 2024-25). The travel support varies on the distance and on your means of travel: if you travel by train or bus you receive a higher support than if you travel by plane.
Students who benefit from a scholarship of the Flemish Community will receive a higher scholarship. Unfortunately this does not apply to students who receive a PARTS scholarship.
The scholarship may not be enough to cover all your costs while abroad. PARTS cannot contribute financially so you have to make a good financial plan! Contact the Erasmus coordinator if you need details and help.
The Erasmus+ scholarship will be paid to you by PARTS. You do not need to engage directly with the Erasmus+ system.
Where can I get language support?
First check the language requirements of the school you are interested to study at. You can test york language skills and take online courses at the Online Language Support website of the EU.
Will I be insured?
Since the exchange is part of your study at PARTS, you are still covered by the PARTS insurance for accidents and damage to third parties and by your regular health insurance. You can buy an additional travel insurance but this is not required.
What happens after my exchange is finished?
You will receive a transcript of records detailing the courses you have followed.
You will receive a survey from the Erasmus+ system to evaluate your experience. Answering the survey is mandatory, if you fail to do so, PARTS is obliged to claim the Erasmus+ scholarship back!

2/ International internship during studies
When is it possible?
Only in the third year of the BA Training, during the full first semester and in the second semester during the periods that do not overlap with the final creation and the Student Festival.
A student can go for maximum 2 months on internship. Shorter international internships with an Erasmus+ scholarship are possible under certain conditions, they will need an additional virtual learning plan.
Where can we go?
To any artist/company/institution working in the relevant professional field. The hosting institution should be based in a Partner country of Erasmus+ (= all 27 member states of the European Union plus North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Norway). Organisations in countries outside this list are not excluded, but only a small part of the budget can be used to go outside the partner countries.
It is not forbidden to go to an institution in the country you are originally from.
What is the procedure?
1/ Check artists/companies/institutions that you’re interested to have a traineeship with, propose yourself and make arrangements about the period of the internship and the content of the work you would do there. Important: you need to have a full-time working schedule!
You can also check further guidelines about internship with the school and it is recommended to keep Erasmus+ coordinator informed about your plans before making a final conclusion.
You are responsible for contacting the receiving school and gather all the necessary information to make the application and eventually the study trip. PARTS can help if needed.
2/ If you have an agreement with the receiving artist/company/institution, a Learning Agreement detailing the work that you will do, the goals and evaluation process will be made, as well as a Grant Agreement detailing the Erasmus+ scholarship and an internship agreement between PARTS and the hosting artist/company institution. PARTS takes the lead in this part of the process.
Do I have to catch up on courses that are happening in PARTS while I’m away on a study visit?
PARTS will give you credits for the period of the internship, based on the duration of the internship and after reviewing your mentor’s and your self evaluation. These credits replace the courses that take place in PARTS while you are away. However, it is possible that for certain tasks or courses that run the whole year (e.g. writing), you will need to catch up certain things in order to be able to make the final task.
How much is an Erasmus+ scholarship?
This depends on where you go and for how long. In 2024, if you go to a country in Central or northern Europe you will receive 569€ per month, if you go to Southern Europe you receive 519€ per month, if you go to Eastern Europe you receive 469€ per month (numbers from 2024-25 - note that they amounts are higher for traineeships that for studies!). The travel support varies on the distance and on your means of travel: if you travel by train or bus you receive a higher support than if you travel by plane.
Students who benefit from a scholarship of the Flemish Community will receive a higher scholarship. Unfortunately this does not apply to students who receive a PARTS scholarship.
The scholarship may not be enough to cover all your costs while abroad. PARTS cannot contribute financially so you have to make a good financial plan! Contact the Erasmus coordinator if you need details and help.
The Erasmus+ scholarship will be paid to you by PARTS. You do not need to engage directly with the Erasmus+ system.
Can I be paid as an intern?
Your employer might offer you financial compensation for your work, but they are not obliged to do so. In any case, receiving financial compensation is not incompatible with an Erasmus+ scholarship.
Where can I get language support?
First check the language requirements of the workplace you are interested to intern at. You can test york language skills and take online courses at the Online Language Support website of the EU.
Will I be insured?
Since the exchange is part of your study at PARTS, you are still covered by the PARTS insurance for accidents and damage to third parties and by your regular health insurance. You can buy an additional travel insurance but this is not required.
What happens after my exchange is finished?
You will receive a certificate of attendance, a report from your internship mentor and you make a self evaluation report (needed to give you credits for the internship).
You will receive a survey from the Erasmus+ system to evaluate your experience. Answering the survey is mandatory, if you fail to do so, PARTS is obliged to claim the Erasmus+ scholarship back!
3/ International internship in the year after studies
When is it possible?
You can do an internship in the year after you graduate from the BA or the MA programme. The internship can start at any time after the graduation and cannot go longer than one year after the graduation.
The minimum period is two months, the maximum is twelve months. If you have been on a school exchange or internship during your studies, the duration of that will be deducted from the maximum time of internship after graduation, since a student can only have a Erasmus+ scholarship for maximum 12 months per study cycle.
The internship period can be spread over different periods as long as it’s minimum two months. However, the travel grant will only be calculated on one return travel!
Where can we go?
To any artist/company/institution working in the relevant professional field. The hosting institution should be based in a Partner country of Erasmus+ (= all 27 member states of the European Union plus North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey and Norway). Organisations in countries outside this list are not excluded, but only a small part of the budget can be used to go outside the partner countries.
It is not forbidden to go to an institution in the country you are originally from.
What is the procedure?
1/ Check artists/companies/institutions that you’re interested to have a traineeship with, propose yourself and make arrangements about the period of the internship and the content of the work you would do there. Important: you need to have a full-time working schedule!
You can also check further guidelines about internship with the school and it is recommended to keep Erasmus+ coordinator informed about your plans before making a final conclusion.
You are responsible for contacting the receiving school and gather all the necessary information to make the application and eventually the study trip. PARTS can help if needed.
Important: you have to formally apply to PARTS before the date of your graduation! Applications that come in after your graduation cannot be accepted.
2/ If you have an agreement with the receiving artist/company/institution, a Learning Agreement detailing the work that you will do, the goals and evaluation process will be made, as well as a Grant Agreement detailing the Erasmus+ scholarship. PARTS takes the lead in this part of the process.
Do I get study credits for an internship after graduation?
No, because you have finished your studies.
How much is an Erasmus+ scholarship?
This depends on where you go and for how long. In 2024, if you go to a country in Central or northern Europe you will receive 569€ per month, if you go to Southern Europe you receive 519€ per month, if you go to Eastern Europe you receive 469€ per month (numbers from 2024-25 - note that they amounts are higher for traineeships that for studies!). The travel support varies on the distance and on your means of travel: if you travel by train or bus you receive a higher support than if you travel by plane.
The scholarship may not be enough to cover all your costs while abroad. PARTS cannot contribute financially so you have to make a good financial plan! Contact the Erasmus coordinator if you need details and help.
The Erasmus+ scholarship will be paid to you by PARTS. You do not need to engage directly with the Erasmus+ system.
You will receive 90% of the total scholarship before you leave, and the remaining 10% after you have returned and filled in the Erasmus+ survey.
Important: although an internship can last up until 12 months, the maximum period you will receive a grant for will be 6 months or lower, depending on the budget that PARTS receives for that year.
Can I be paid as an intern?
Your employer might offer you a financial compensation for your work, but they are not obliged to do so. In any case, receiving a financial compensation is not incompatible with an Erasmus+ scholarship.
Where can I get language support?
First check the language requirements of the workplace you are interested to intern at. You can test york language skills and take online courses at the Online Language Support website of the EU.
Will I be insured?
Since you are not a student any more when the internship is happening, you are not covered by the PARTS insurance, but you are required to have a liability and an accident insurance. You can check with the internship employer if their insurance policies also cover interns, if they don’t you have to arrange one yourself. You will also need to have a regular health insurance and you may want to consider taking an additional travel insurance.
What happens after my exchange is finished?
You will receive a certificate of attendance and a report from your internship mentor.
You will receive a survey from the Erasmus+ system to evaluate your experience. Answering the survey is mandatory, if you fail to do so, PARTS is obliged to claim the Erasmus+ scholarship back!