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Topics such as social awareness, equality, diversity, and inclusion are part of the mission statement and the DNA of the school, even when bringing them into practice is a continuous learning process. The Code of Conduct of the school was renewed in 2021, with a focus on making the values of the institution explicit in relation to transgressive behavior, expanding the Code of Conduct to all forms of transgressive behavior such as racism and bullying, and offering a clear complaints procedure attached to it. All the stakeholders of the school were involved in the writing process. Esther De Soomer, who is also an expert in this matter, was in charge of editing the text.

The Code of Conduct is valid for teachers, staff and students, also in pedagogical contexts outside of P.A.R.T.S. A lot of effort goes into making the code of conduct active knowledge for everyone involved at PARTS. It’s not only attached to contracts and to the house rules of the school, but workshops are given to make the content more tangible and to open up a dialogue and keep on improving the Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct has also a pedagogical aim: P.A.R.T.S. finds it important to train students as collaborators with strong ethics and with the necessary skills to address issues of transgressive behaviour in and beyond the work context.

→ Read the Code of Conduct here