en nl

Marco Torrice IT

Marco Torrice works as a dance maker, choreographer, and dance teacher. His main interests revolve around the interconnection between the body, movement, pleasure, and pain, understood in both the physical and emotional senses. Nevertheless, his starting point is often rather abstract and visual, combining different dance styles and approaches, from contemporary to 'street dance.’

Born and raised in Rome, he studied philosophy at La Sapienza University. In 2006, he moved to Brussels to attend P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios), where he graduated in 2010. He worked as a freelance dancer for various projects and dance companies, including the Belgian dance company Rosas and Mossoux-Bontè, as well as the Hungarian dance company Hodworks, among others. Currently, he collaborates with the Belgian choreographer Leslie Mannès.

Marco is the author of different dance performances such as 'Three études on Ligeti,' 'Me, Myself and I,' 'Kitty 2012,' 'Centipedes,' 'Decameron,' 'Liminal,' and 'Melting Pot’...

In addition to his work as a dancer and choreographer, he also teaches and conducts workshops in different dance schools, including P.A.R.T.S. SummerSchool (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios - Brussels), the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy, SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance), Tanzfabrik (Berlin), Isadora Duncan Center (Prague), Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool (Antwerp), ISAC | Institut Supérieur des Arts et Chorégraphies (Brussels), Da.Re. Dance Research (Rome), and La Pelanda - Rome.