Inhabiting uninhabited spaces within this physical body Inhabiting uninhabited spaces within this living body Inhabiting uninhabited spaces within this body
To all bodies not present today for what their biology represents.
Habitando espacios inhabitados en este cuerpo físico Habitando espacios inhabitados en este cuerpo viviente Habitando espacios inhabitados en este cuerpo
A todes les cuerpes ausentes por lo que su biología representa.
Special thanks to Jair Montes, for encouraging me to experience life through the lens.
Performer & Maker: Ariadna Navarrete Valverde
Dramaturgy/Choreographic Assistant: Jair Montes
Companion: Renato Miskolczi, Marlla Araujo, Jair Montes
External Eye: Diane Madden, Lobke Leemans, Cecily Lewilling Sound Edition Jair Montes
Special Thanks to: Jair Montes, Lobke Leemans and Daniela Chacon
Language: Spanish – English
Accessibility: Audience seated
Ariadna Navarrete Valverde – Costa Rica
Ariadna is a performer and maker, interested in creating experience in performance through the use of movement, exploring the different impacts this can have within the performer and the audience. Today she is researching movement coming from the electromagnetic fields in the body, incorporating the body history as well and its representation in the doing.
“Our biography becomes our biology”
“Y A TI, ¿QUE TE ENSEÑÓ PAQUITA? “ is part of Saturday 2nd July Program A
Saturday 2nd July / Program A / 16:00 / ⧖2h and 15 minutes (including two intervals)
Venue: P.A.R.T.S. - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
For TICKETS click here
Practical info here