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This week in pictures : Acogny technique by Ise Verstegen at Ecole des Sables !

Ise chose Acogny and Acogny chose her.
In her work as a dance artist Ise Verstegen interweaves worlds with an inclusive, transcultural vision and body language. Since 2008 she has been working closely with Germaine Acogny, the mother of modern African dance. Acogny technique is a dance technique and philosophy based on West African and Western dances. Ise's work and transmission start from embodiment, connection, collectivity and the respect, possibilities and natural strength of each body through rhythm and movement. From here she addresses social issues.

Ise Verstegen is a teacher at the Amsterdam Academy of Theatre and Dance (AHK), and she works internationally and nationally as an 'Acogny dance-practitioner'.

From January 2nd until February 6th, 14 students from the STUDIOS program at P.A.R.T.S. and 10 young choreographers and dancers from the African continent meet and exchange at Ecole des Sables, the school initiated by Germaine Acogny in Toubab Dialaw, Senegal.
This is the third exchange program and the collaboration between P.A.R.T.S and Ecole des Sables goes back until 2013.

s by Abdoul Mujyambere

Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere
Acogny technique ©Abdoul Mujyambere