Public talk: Vinciane Despret in conversation with Bojana Cvejic - Wednesday 26/02, 18h30
'About birds and other animals'
Philosopher Vinciane Despret enters into conversation with Bojana Cvejic about her work, following a seminar for the students of the Studios programme.
After philosophical and psychological studies, Vinciane Despret specialized in ethology, the study of animal behavior, and became fascinated by the humans who work with animals. Borrowing a path from philosophy of sciences, her work combines ethological and psychological research with the goal of understanding and explaining how scientists build their theories, how they interact with historical and social contexts, and what relation is established between them and animals.
She is currently Maître de Conférences at the University of Liège and at the Free University of Brussels.
She is the author of numerous articles and books, some of them having been translated in English: Our Emotional Makeup (2004; translated by Marjolijn de Jager); What Would Animals Say If We Asked the Right Questions? (2016; translated by Brett Buchanan); and with Isabelle Stengers, Women Who Make a Fuss : The Unfaithful Daughters of Virginia Woolf (2014; translated by April Knutson).
Wednesday 26/2 from 18h30 until 20h00
Free entrance - no reservations!
Image by Ingrid Maes