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PARTS, Wiels and Kaaitheater organise a public lecture by Professor Thomas F. DeFrantz, well-known specialist in Black Dance Studies and Queer and Feminist Studies.

The public lecture happens in the context of DeFrantz’ seminar for the MA students at PARTS.

Let’s Go Outside: Dancing Beyond the Institution
The institutionalization of dance in academic settings has forced a reckoning with genre, access, aesthetics, and histories as an act of imagination, at least. This talk focuses on the ways that dance resists containment by institutions, and how imagination operates as a form of study. Calling on the rhetorics of dance as protest, as erotic demonstration of possibility, and as manifestation of outrageous style, we wonder together at the ways dance arrives outside of the scaffolding of the linguistic, to demonstrate ways to be in relationship to authority while moving in another direction. Afrofuturism might show us a way …

26 February 2024, 19:00
Wiels Auditorium
Free entrance, reservation required via this link
Organisation: PARTS, in collaboration with Kaaitheater and Wiels

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