Rebirth / One for all / Routes
Marlla Araújo and Luyd Carvalho met in Brazil before continuing their path in dance and training together in Belgium. This programme, comprising two solos and a duet, highlights their common points and what sets them apart. First, in Rebirth Marlla Araújo, white and non-binary, evokes her questioning of her sense of self and how she came to construct her queer identity. Second, in One for All Luyd Carvalho, a black cisgender dancer, expresses the shocks he endured in 2020, from the anti-racist movement “Black Lives Matter” to the pandemic and the regime of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. After attending the Escola Livre de Danca da Maré, founded by Lia Rodrigues and the Redes de Maré association in Rio de Janeiro, Marlla Araújo and Luyd Carvalho crossed the Atlantic to continue their apprenticeship at P.A.R.T.S in Brussels. In Routes, the final piece on the programme, the two young artists confront their experiences, their social positions and the survival mechanisms they have developed during their young careers.
Creation and performance: Marlla Araújo and Luyd Carvalho | Co-produced by: Festival d'Automne à Paris, CND Centre National de la Danse ; The Fondation d'entreprise Hermès (sponsor of Portrait Lia Rodrigues) | Technical support: Lily Brieu Nguyen | Special thanks: BRONKS Theater (Brussels), Moya Michael, Mary Szydlowska, Ariadna Navarrete ; Lia Rodrigues / Cia de Danças for its invitation.
Friday 24th June / 19:30 / ⧖2h (including one minute interval)
“(Re)birth/One For All/Routes” is part of a program.
Venue: P.A.R.T.S. - Avenue Van Volxemlaan 164, 1190 Brussels
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