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Choreomania | Mette Ingvartsen

Since 2019, our students in the BA Program have graduated with a piece created in collaboration with a guest choreographer. For Generation XIV, Mette Ingvartsen — who studied at P.A.R.T.S. twenty years ago — embraced the challenge of working with all 40 students on the condition that the process would unfold over the full three years of their studies.

Together they explore the medieval marvel of dancing epidemics that swept across this part of Europe alongside waves of plague, floods, and famine. These choreomanias show a striking response from the most vulnerable or from those most afflicted by crisis— dancing with boisterousness and passion, where joy and despair create a peculiar mix of heightened emotion. The cause of massive outbursts of dancing remains unknown to this day: were they a symptom of deadly disease, poison or demoniac possession? A cure or an antidote to keep the threat at bay?

Together with the P.A.R.T.S. cohort of remarkable dancers, Mette Ingvartsen embarked on an inquiry into swarmlike patterns of collectivity and the power of affects to move a crowd like an unstoppable fire.

Find out more about Choreomania!


June 4 - 6 | PREMIERE
P.A.R.T.S, Charleroi danse & Kaaitheater
De Grote Hal / La Grande Halle - Molenbeek

June 28 - 29

Dansand, Ostend


Photos by Bea Borgers

Choreomania def Bea Borgers 70
Choreomania def Bea Borgers 22