
Biography Géraldine Haas

Géraldine is a performer and choreographer based in Brussels. She is currently finishing her master degree in PARTS after completing a Bachelor at ISAC - Institut Supérieur des Arts et des chorégraphies at the Royal Academy of fine Arts and philosophy studies in Strasbourg.

In her choreographic work, Géraldine is interested in conveying contrasts and leaving space for cohabitation. She believes that people and things only exist " in relation". Thus, how to be/put/bring together is a question at the center of her creative process. She creates through scores and following short intuitive dances. Her work is often informed by her story writing practice. She uses heteroclite references ranging from pop music and comics to somatics and deep body listening.

Géraldine sees herself as a « slow learner » which often brings her to experiment in her processes the thickness of temporality. She recycles emotions and body memories using replays, echos and resonance with the idea of decomposing their volumes.

Her piece « An awkward friend », is an intimate and poetic attempt in exploring feelings and meanings of void, missing and absence, through ghostly presences and ethereal absurd characters, following the traces of her father's loss.